Saturday 6 March 2010

Dead Space - My Sims Agents crossover!

My daughter was playing 'My Sims Agents' this afternoon and she called out to me 'Daddy, I've found the 'Strange Ski Costume'.  Away from the main storyline of the game (as in the previous games in the series), players can find (or are awarded) costumes with which to clothe their onscreen character and I figured that she was referring to one of those (as, indeed, she was).

Anyway, I had a look and found this -

Sorry about the wonky photo - I was laughing

- the  great Dead Space/My Sims (both published by EA) crossover! I look forward to her finding a 'necromorph' costume later on in the game......

1 comment:

  1. Haha, that's hilariously inappropriate. Can't wait to see a chestburster in Animal Crossing.
